Career Conquest


Have Fun!

Anyone else hates April Fools Day at the office? It’s literally the worst. Especially, when your boss decides to participate…

Spray And Pray

“Spray and pray” – a strategy some recruiters use to source talent. And when you forget to customize your resume…

The Callback

Don’t give away more than you should. Well…that was awkward. You really should always check that you did hang up…

Sorry Not Sorry

Wanting a promotion isn’t bad. But not every org is ready to give one. Ever received similar feedback? Don’t sweat…

Corporate Lingo

Sometimes you gotta read between the lines… Corporate cliches – everyone hates ‘em, and everyone keeps using ‘em. Let’s be…

Staying Focused

Those “little things” can absolutely derail you off the track. Staying productive during job search requires titanic effort. When you…

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